UncleT's (Mom's Arcade) Price List

(all prices include shipping and/or tax)



Unit Price


Extended Price

Purchased From

27" JVC TV with S-video free 1 free Had extra one
ATX Mini/Med Tower with 300Watt power supply 55.00 1 55.00 newegg.com
AOPEN CD-952E 52x CDRom drive 24.00 1 24.00 newegg.com
Sony 1.44MB 3.5 inch internal floppy disk drive 8.00 1 8.00 newegg.com
ABIT KR7A-133Raid VIA KT266A Chipset motherboard 85.00 1 85.00 newegg.com
AMD Athlon XP 1900+/266 FSB with heatsink/fan 112.00 1 112.00 newegg.com
Sound Blaster Live 5.1 32.00 1 32.00 newegg.com
ABIT Siluro T200 Nvidia GeForce2 32MB w/TV out 40.00 1 40.00 newegg.com
256Meg DDR RAM 48.89 1 48.89 Best Buy
40 Gig Western Digital Harddrive (7200rpm) 74.19 1 74.19 Circuit City
Belkin 7-port USB Hub 20.50 1 20.50 Ebay
Belkin USB Mouse (for 360 steering wheel) free 1 free Office Max rebate
Mini Keyboard free 1 free Had extra one
Microsoft Mouse free 1 free Had extra one
6' Keyboard extension cable 4.00 1 4.00 pccables.com
10' Black Mouse extension cable 8.00 1 8.00 pccables.com
6' S-Video cable 10.00 1 10.00 Best Buy
25' S-Video cable 10.00 1 10.00 Ebay
20' Audio cable (connect computer to TV speakers) 3.12 2 6.24 Ebay
Mini stereo plug (Y splitter) to audio cable 3.25 1 3.25 Best Buy







Driving Controllers:


Unit Price


Extended Price

Purchased From

Pole Position control panel(wheel/shifter/panel) 37.50 1 37.50 Ebay
Spy Hunter control panel(wheel/shifter/panel) 58.75 1 58.75 Ebay
Star Wars yoke assembly 5.00 1 5.00 Arcade vendor (thanks RV)
Sega HangOn motorcycle handlebar assembly 15.00 1 15.00 Arcade vendor (thanks RV)
Missing parts for Sega HangOn motorcycle assembly free 1 free Ebay (great deal!)
Sega HangOn 8-1/2" brake cable 8.50 1 8.50 Ebay
Virtua Racing gas/brake pedal assembly 36.58 2 73.16 Ebay (shipped from CA to FL)
Virtual-On joystick 10.00 2 20.00 Arcade vendor (thanks Tim)
4-speed shifter 40.00 1 40.00 Ebay
3-speed shifter (w/turbo) 19.50 1 19.50 Ebay
2-speed shifter (return to center) w/turbo 17.00 1 17.00 Ebay
2-speed shifter (not return to center) w/turbo 30.00 1 30.00 Ebay
Microsoft Sidewinder Dual Strike USB Gamepad 11.60 7 81.20 Ebay
Sega Indy 500 fiberglass arcade racing seat 100.00 1 100.00 Arcade vendor (thanks Tim)
NOS SpyHunter springs 10.00 1 10.00 Ebay







Cabinet Hardware:


Unit Price


Extended Price

Purchased From

Used for what purpose?

15 PushButtons and 1/2 Player Start buttons 28.00 1 28.00 www.theRealBobRoberts.com shifter/joystick panels
Red PushButton (found I was short one) free 1 free Oscar (thanks again) joystick panel
Screws, bolts, washers, etc... 25.60 1 25.60 Home Depot construction
wood (2x2, 2x4, 2x6, 1/2 MDF, 3/4 MDF, etc...) 132.60 1 132.60 Home Depot construction
Lazy Susan (rated for 1000lbs) 8.50 2 17.00 Home Depot spinning TV and panels
3" Caster 7.40 1 7.40 Home Depot bottom of cab
3" Casters free 4 free Had extra ones bottom of cab
2" Black Furniture Plastic Hole Cover 4.00 2 8.00 Home Depot center of rotating panel mount
Metal mounting plates/brackets/angles/etc... 55.20 ? 55.20 Home Depot construction
Torx Security Wrench Set 13.00 1 13.00 www.theRealBobRoberts.com access Spy Hunter and Joysticks
Surge protectors free 2 free Office Max rebate general wiring
6' extension cords free 2 free Office Max rebate general wiring
2-slotted Coin door (working) 25.50 1 25.50 Ebay just because it looks cool
48" Piano Hinge 9.50 1 9.50 Home Depot Side/keyboard doors
Metal shelf bracket 5.26 2 10.52 Home Depot Holds up shelf on TV stand
1-1/8" Cam Lock 3.78 3 11.34 Home Depot Lock side/keyboard doors
18" Flourescent Light Fixture with bulb 6.86 1 6.86 Home Depot Light marquee
5" Round Speaker 5.27 2 10.54 Radio Shack duh
6"x9" Speaker Cover 1.03 2 2.06 Radio Shack duh
Air Vent 1.37 1 1.37 Home Depot Cooling cabinet
12Volt Fans free 3 free Found in garbage Cooling cabinet
Black decorative screws 17.00 many 17.00 Ace Hardware Screw plexi and marquee in place
Gallon Behr Black latex semi-gloss paint 27.00 1 27.00 Home Depot Painting cabinet
Parallel cables, serial cables, wire and solder free many free Had extra ones Wiring cabinet, quick disconnects
2" Black Smooth T-Molding 1.20 10' 12.00 Local carpet distributor Cover gaps between panels
Slide Bolt 3.87 2 7.74 Home Depot Locking rotating panels into place
Bag of Heat Shrink Tubing 1.50 6 9.00 Home Depot Wrapping soldered wires
Printing control panel and marquee art free 10 free Work has a plotter (my luck!) gotta have art!
Lamination of all artwork 2.10 10 21.00 Kinko's more sturdy this way
4-pack of Black rubber chair leg protectors 1.75 1 1.75 Home Depot stopping 360+ rotation
1-1/8" Wooden dowel 2.50 1 2.50 Home Depot Inside of stopper
Straight metal bracket 1.50 2 3.00 Home Depot Metal arm used to hit stopper
Black Pica Vinyl 49'x100' (per foot) 3.07 10 30.70 www.HappControls.com Top Cover, Xbox shelf, etc
Cable Ties and Mounting Bases 15.25 many 15.25 Home Depot wiring








Total Cost of Cabinet = $1568.12 (Do not show my wife!)